Astringent |
An astringent is a substance that tends to shrink or constrict body tissues, usually locally after topical medicinal application.
Plants having 'Astringent' activity
| Bacopa monnieri | Astringent, diuretic, laxative and a tonic for the heart and nerves. | | Baphicacanthus cusia | Antiviral; astringent, diuretic and lithotriptic (leaves); depurative and febrifuge (root and leaves) | | Baptisia tinctoria | Cholagogue, emetic, febrifuge and purgative (root); antiseptic, astringent and laxative (fresh root) | | Basella alba | Inhibits vomiting (root decoction) and antiviral (plant); antidote, aperient, astringent, demulcent, diuretic, febrifuge, laxative, rubefacient. | | Bauhinia purpurea | Astringent, anthelmintic, carminative, laxative. | | Bauhinia tomentosa | Vermifuge (decoction of the root-bark); used as an astringent gargle (infusion of bark); diuretic (fruit); tonic and aphrodisiac (seeds). | | Bauhinia variegata | Depressant, astringent, anthelmintic and hypothermic (stem bark); agglutinant of blood (seed). | | Berberis vulgaris | Antiprotozoal (plant); hypothermic (fruit); laxative (fruit and root); promotes or stimulates the flow of bile and dilates blood vessels (root bark); antiseptic, astringent, cholagogue, hepatic, purgative, refrigerant, stomachic and tonic (bark and root bark) | | Bergenia ciliata | Anticancer, antiscorbutic, laxative, cardiovascular system stimulant, alleviates spasms, antiprotozoal and astringent (rhizome). | | Bergenia crassifolia | Aggregant, antiinflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, hemostatic and urinary antiseptic. | | Betula lenta | Anthelmintic, astringent, diaphoretic, diuretic and stimulant (bark); anti-inflammatory, analgesic and rubefacient (bark essential oil) | | Betula papyrifera | Antirheumatic, astringent, lithontripic, salve and sedative (bark) | | Betula pubescens | Anti-inflammatory, cholagogue, diaphoretic; diuretic and laxative (bark); bitter and astringent (inner bark); anticholesterolemic and diuretic (leaves); diuretic (vernal sap) | | Bidens tripartita | Antiseptic, aperient, astringent, diuretic, emmenagogue, febrifuge, narcotic, sedative, styptic and sudorific (whole plant) | | Blumea lacera | Antifungal, antimicrobial and repels insects (essential leaf oil); astringent (root); astringent, diuretic, and febrifugal (leaf juice) | | Boehmeria nivea | Antiphlogistic, demulcent, diuretic, febrifuge, haemostatic and vulnerary (plant); astringent and resolvent (leaves); antiabortifacient, antibacterial, cooling, demulcent, diuretic, resolvent and uterosedative (root) | | Bombax ceiba | Stimulant (root); stimulates the heart and contraction of the uterus (seed); emetic (bark); astringent (gum and bark); demulcent (flower, gum and bark). | | Boswellia serrata | Astringent, stimulant, expectorant, diuretic, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, ecbolic and antiseptic properties. | | Breynia vitis-idaea | | | Brucea javanica | Febrifuge and cholagogue (roots); analgesic, antipyretic and haemostatic (fruits); astringent and anthelmintic (stem bark); depurative (leaves and roots) | | |