Laxative |
A laxative is a food or drug that stimulates evacuation of the bowels by increasing the stool volume or by increasing the peristaltic movement of the intestines.
Plants having 'Laxative' activity
| Cinnamomum cassia | Relieves pain, diaphoretic, germicide, reduces fever, laxative, astringent, carminative, diuretic and stimulates the heart and liver. | | Citrullus colocynthis | Hypoglycemic (plant) and laxative (fruit). | | Citrullus lanatus | Laxative (plant); diuretic, cooling, demulcent, diuretic, purgative and aphrodisiac (seed); febrifuge (leaves) | | Citrus aurantium | Laxative (fruit); antifungal (essential oil); stimulant (flower); aromatic stimulant (peel); stomachic and antiscorbutic (leaves, peel and flowers); emmenagogue (peel decoction). | | Citrus medica | Laxative and anthelmintic (root); stimulant (fruit); anticancer (aerial part). | | Citrus mitis | Body deodorant, coolant, antiphlogistic, laxative (fruit juice) | | Citrus reticulata | Antiemetic, aphrodisiac, astringent, laxative and tonic (fruit); analgesic, antiasthmatic, anticholesterolemic, anti-inflammatory, antiscorbutic, antiseptic, antitussive, carminative, expectorant, stomachic (pericarp); carminative and expectorant (endocarp); analgesic and carminative (seed) | | Claoxylon indicum | | | Clerodendron phlomidis | alterative, laxative and anti-inflammatory agent (bark); expectorant (plant) | | Clerodendrum viscosum | Eliminates intestinal worms, antiperiodic, laxative and cholagogue (leaf). | | Clitoria ternatea | Acrid, laxative (seed, root and its bark), diuretic (root bark), alexiteric, anthelmintic, purgative, demulcent, tonic, alleviates spasms (root). | | Coccinia grandis | Hypoglycemic (roots and leaves); laxative (plant); ophthalmic (stem) | | Cocculus hirsutus | The root is used as a mild laxative, sudorific and antipyretic. Alleviates spasms, anticonvulsant, lowers blood pressure, sedative, slows heartbeat and cardiotonic (root and stem); diuretic (aerial part); reduces fever and expectorant (root). | | Coffea arabica | Alleviates spasms (aerial part); diuretic and stimulant (seed); astringent and gentle laxative. | | Colchicum luteum | Antigout (seed and corm); alterative, aphrodisiac, carminative and laxative (corms) | | Commelina benghalensis | Bitter, demulcent, laxative and astringent (whole plant). | | Convallaria majalis | All parts of the plant are antispasmodic, cardiotonic, strongly diuretic, emetic, febrifuge, laxative, Hear stimulant and sedative | | Convolvulus arvensis | The root, and a resin made from the root, is cholagogue, diuretic, laxative and strongly purgative. Anticonvulsive (EtOH plant extract); nicotinic (plant extract); induces gastrointestinal irritation (thus, it is considered toxic). | | Copaifera langsdorffii | Strong antiseptic and expectorant (resin); antibacterial, carminative, diuretic, emetic, laxative, hydragogue, stimulant and urinary antiseptic. | | Corchorus capsularis | Laxative and cardiotonic (seed); carminative (leaf infusion); appetizer, carminative, demulcent, laxative, stimulant and stomachic (leaf) | | |